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Take Now! The Impact of Trauma on Children and Youth: A Paradigm Shift

Early childhood ruptured attachments, adversity and trauma experiences have significant impacts on health, development and well-being throughout the lifespan. Understanding these impacts and learning care strategies that can enhance professionals’ and caregivers’ abilities to prevent or mitigate these impacts can reduce the incidence of health crises and improve overall well-being and quality of life. Participants will learn the fundamentals of attachment patterns, developmental trauma and associated behaviors and will discuss strategies for working with traumatized children and supporting parents and caregivers. This on-demand webcast will provide an essential foundation for understanding the need to implement new care practices and will advance participants’ knowledge of cutting-edge attachment and trauma-response care in their professional and personal lives.

Click here to register and take now. 

A young black child holding a white stuffed animal holds their hands to their face in distress while a couple sits behind them

Registration Open!

Optimal Care Grand Rounds Series: Advances in the Management of Coronary Artery Disease Utilizing CCTA and CAC Scoring

This live webcast is designed to provide updated knowledge on the diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease (CAD) with a focus on the benefits of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) and coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring. It will explore the diagnostic accuracy, patient safety, and clinical outcomes associated with CCTA and compare this approach to traditional functional-stress-testing methods. The utilization of CAC scoring for risk assessment and in the evaluation of low-risk chest pain will be highlighted, and the role of the primary care physician (PCP) in implementing a CCTA-first approach will be discussed. 

This live webcast will be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 1–2:00 pm ET.

Click here to register for the live webcast. 


Onsite Conferences

Save the date! Medical Director and Clinician Leadership Forum 2024
September 23–24, 2024, Las Vegas, NV

Registration is now open! 33rd Annual National Conference
October 14–16, 2024, Minneapolis, MN