January 2025
Attended the live webcast? Click here to claim credit: Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis: Clinical Approaches and Management
January 16, 1–2 p.m. ET
Indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM) is a rare and often elusive condition, with symptoms that can easily be mistaken for more common ailments. This live webcast aims to improve diagnostic accuracy for ISM by reviewing the latest therapeutic options and emphasizing the critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest guideline recommendations, emerging biomarker data, and new treatment modalities that can significantly enhance health outcomes and quality of life.
Live, Accredited Webcast
March 2025
Optimal Care Grand Rounds Series: Dementia Screening, Diagnosis, and Initial Management
March 19, 1–2 p.m. ET
This live webcast is designed to equip primary care providers with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively screen, diagnose, and manage dementia in their patients. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of dementia, including its various forms and stages, and learn practical strategies for early detection and initial management. The activity will delve into the amyloid hypothesis and its implications for treatment and will review potentially modifiable risk factors that can influence the progression of disease.
Live, Accredited Webcast
April 2025
Registration open! Essentials of Oncology and Transplant Management for the Health Care Team
April 8–9, Scottsdale, AZ
Learn about current topics and exciting advances in the fields of solid organ and blood/marrow transplantation and oncology. The agenda will be designed to address current, critical issues that you can apply to the management of patients and/or their benefits.
Live, Onsite Conference
May 2025
Registration open! 34th Annual National Conference
May 13–15, Minneapolis, MN
Learn about current topics and important advances in the care and management of medically complex patients. The agenda will be designed to address gaps in the management of complex medical and behavioral health care.
Live, Onsite Conference
Optimal Care Grand Rounds Series: Shared Decision-making in Primary Care (REGISTRATION OPENING SOON!)
May 21, 1–2 p.m. ET
Presenters: Richard C Mather III, MD, MBA and Prakash Jayakumar, MD, PhD
Live, Accredited Webcast
October 2025
Save the date! Medical Director and Clinician Leadership Forum 2025
October 21–23, Nashville, TN
Designed for medical directors and other clinical executives/leaders working in the managed health care industry. During this live conference experts will share their insights into topics that are critical to the management of large patient populations.
Live, Onsite Conference