Across the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Spectrum: A Call to Action
This activity will provide health care providers with increased awareness surrounding these issues so that communication with LGBTQ+ people is respectful and sensitive. It will review how patient-provider interactions can be more supportive of the individual’s needs, how to take a full history and perform an inclusive and affirming physical exam, and how health information can be thoughtfully documented to provide accurate information regarding health issues, screening recommendations and risk prevention.
  • Health equity
  • Online Education
  • 1.00 AAFP - Family Physicians
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 COPE - Optometrists
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Building Resilience
The daily stressors associated with providing care can often lead health care professionals (HCPs) to feel emotional exhaustion, decreased empathy, reduced effectiveness, decreased work-related fulfillment and a lack of accomplishment. This activity will provide HCPs with individual and organizational strategies to increase resilience (the ability to cope with and recover from difficult experiences) and proactively respond to challenging situations, both of which can improve mood and mental health and increase joy and satisfaction in daily health care practice. It will also describe individual and team-related traits necessary to develop resiliency and discuss preventive measures to counteract burnout.
  • Online Education
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Guardianship can provide safe and healthy care for individuals with special health care needs. Familiarity with the requirements and processes surrounding the assignment of legal guardianship is essential for health care professionals (HCPs) to competently determine guardianship eligibility. This activity will provide an overview of the types of guardianship that exist, how the need for a guardian is determined and the process of establishing guardianship. It will help guide HCPs through common issues and challenges that may arise during this process, including the need for determining the individual’s competency. HCPs will also gain insight into how to identify circumstances that may require further intervention and review indications that ethics committee involvement or risk management processes may be necessary.
  • Online Education
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Empathy: Social Care Education
The empathy series is a multi-module activity designed to be self-paced and interactive. We encourage you to complete the modules individually and then reflect on learning amongst your colleagues. The series is designed to equip you with social care expertise that drives deeper awareness and compassionate care for the people you serve. This content is applicable to any role within health care, focusing on critical concepts like health equity, social determinants of health, empathy, health disparities, cultural humility, motivational interviewing and compassion. Each module uses a variety of interactive and educational elements using data, infographics, animated video, knowledge checks, historical events and audio recordings from our members. The empathy series will require you to reflect on your personal and cultural experiences and encourage you to slow down, actively listen and take the appropriate action to serve others, whether that be patients, colleagues, family, friends or your community.
  • Health equity
  • Wellness
  • Online Education
  • 4.50 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 4.50 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 4.50 AMA - Physicians
  • 4.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 4.50 APA - Psychologists
  • 4.50 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 4.50 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 4.50 ASWB - Social Workers
Legal Issues and Risk in Case Management
This activity focuses on enhancing participants’ knowledge and skills in the legal and ethical aspects of healthcare coordination and communication. It will highlight the essential elements and requirements of a valid lawsuit and will address care coordinators’ ethical responsibilities regarding standards of practice, codes of conduct and ethical decision-making. Participants will review accurate documentation practices that ensure compliance and improve interprofessional communication and will come away with additional insights into navigating legal and ethical challenges they may encounter in their practice.
  • Online Education
  • 0.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.50 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.50 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 0.50 ASWB - Social Workers
Motivational Interviews with Patients
Motivational interviewing can improve patient outcomes when integrated into clinician-patient interactions during the diagnosis and management of addiction, chronic disease and other physical and mental health concerns. This activity will provide a comprehensive understanding of motivational interviewing, the stages of change to expect with the interviewing process and its role in improving patient outcomes. A specific focus on strategies to develop and enhance interview techniques will help participants to engage better with patients and achieve long-term success in implementing positive health changes.
  • Online Education
  • 0.75 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.75 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.75 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 0.75 ASWB - Social Workers
The Business of Health Care
This activity will provide participants with an overview clarifying the dynamics by which the business of health care is affected by the processes of capturing a patient’s reason for their visit and the care provided in response. With a focus on accurate coding that justifies patient services or procedures performed by the provider, it will examine the role of diagnostic-related group (DRG) classifications in payment determination under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), payment systems, ICD-10 coding requirements and payer criteria. The roles of revenue cycles, payer methodologies and patient access in the business of health care will also be examined.
  • Case management
  • Online Education
  • 0.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.50 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.50 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 0.50 ASWB - Social Workers
Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution
While conflict is an expected part of daily interactions within the health care setting, unresolved conflict can disrupt team functioning, lower morale, decrease productivity and increase stress among health care professionals, profoundly diminishing patient care and organizational performance. This activity will focus on skills and strategies to develop assertiveness and recognize and resolve conflict professionally. Participants will be guided through the nuances of conflict within the workplace and learn how to use assertive communication to turn conflict into opportunities for growth, collaboration and professional development.
  • Case management
  • Online Education
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
The CMS’ Two-Midnight Rule and Medical Necessity
Understanding and applying the concept of medical necessity and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) Two-Midnight Rule are paramount to ensuring both compliance and high-quality care for patients who are admitted to the hospital. This activity, which includes interactive case studies, will examine the factors that impact medical necessity and the types of reviews that can be applied. It will provide participants with an improved ability to navigate these regulations and practical insight into effectively integrating these standards into their daily practice.
  • Case management
  • Online Education
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Post-Acute Discharge Planning
Post-acute discharge planning that is adequate and specific to the patient’s care needs is essential to ensure continuity of care, reduce the rate of unplanned re-admissions and complications and improve the patient’s quality of life; appropriate planning also reduces inaccuracies and oversights during transitions of care. This activity aims to increase competency surrounding the post-acute discharge planning process. It will discuss the various levels of care and types of services available for post-acute discharge planning and examine the eligibility requirements specific to each setting, including how payer criteria can impact planning.
  • Online Education
  • 0.75 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.75 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.75 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 0.75 ASWB - Social Workers
