Event date
- Oncology
- Women's health
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 1.00 ADA - CERP (Dentists/Allied Dental Staff)
- 1.00 AMA - Physicians
- 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
- 1.00 APA - Psychologists
- 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
- 1.00 CDR - Dietitians
- 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity aims to explore best practices in cancer screening and shed light on the groundbreaking WISDOM Study, which is revolutionizing our approach to screening by testing a personalized precision-medicine method based on individual risk factors for breast cancer in contrast to traditional annual mammograms. Participants will learn how this alternative approach differs from the current “one-size-fits-all” guideline-based method and discuss its potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of screening.
- Disease management
- Oncology
- Wellness
- Women's health
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 1.00 AMA - Physicians
- 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
- 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
This on-demand webcast will provide a comprehensive overview of breast cancer screening, prevention strategies and treatment advancements. Participants will explore the evolving landscape of breast cancer screening, including its contributions to reducing mortality rates, its current limitations, and the impact of advancements in breast cancer biology on screening and prevention practices. Special focus will be given to the objectives and implications of the WISDOM study, empowering participants to engage in generating new data to shape the future of breast cancer screening and prevention.
- Disease management
- Oncology
- 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 0.75 AMA - Physicians
- 0.75 ANCC - Nurses
- 0.75 APA - Psychologists
- 0.75 Attendance - General Attendance
- 0.75 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will address the pivotal role of early detection in lung cancer and provide an in-depth look at the latest diagnostic advancements, including traditional methods and emerging technologies.
- Disease management
- Oncology
- 1.00 AMA - Physicians
- 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
- 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
This activity will provide an overview of the natural history of early-stage prostate cancer and review current data on the benefits and drawbacks of screening. It will discuss important aspects of diagnosis and describe evidence-based strategies for detection of early-stage prostate cancer.
- Disease management
- Oncology
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 1.00 AMA - Physicians
- 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
- 1.00 APA - Psychologists
- 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
- 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
- 1.00 CDR - Dietitians
- 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity discusses the current prevalence trends for CRC, new insight into risk factors, recommended screening approaches and modalities, treatment updates focused on tumor-specific molecular targets, and recent and emerging findings in CRC research and clinical trials.
- Disease management
- Oncology
- 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 0.75 AMA - Physicians
- 0.75 ANCC - Nurses
- 0.75 APA - Psychologists
- 0.75 Attendance - General Attendance
- 0.75 CCMC - General - Case Managers
- 0.75 CDR - Dietitians
- 0.75 ASWB - Social Workers
This session discusses CAR T-cell therapy, its current trends, along with the challenges and costs, and what the future may hold for emerging treatment for various conditions.
- Oncology
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
- 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
- 1.00 AMA - Physicians
- 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
- 1.00 APA - Psychologists
- 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
- 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
- 1.00 CDR - Dietitians
- 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will provide participants with an overview of early BC diagnosis and its impact on survival rates. It will explore recently approved therapies for BC both as standalone treatments and in combination with established therapeutic approaches. Emerging therapies and their potential benefits will be examined, and the value of biomarkers will be discussed. Participants will gain insight into treatment strategies to optimize patient outcomes in BC.