We are pleased to include you as a presenter for an upcoming Women's Health CES activity. The following are required as soon as possible for our accreditation files and the development of the activity website(s):

  1. Complete and submit the form below.
  2. Complete and sign a Faculty Disclosure Form.
    • Click here to download the Faculty Disclosure Form. Do not complete the form in a browser window, download a copy to enable all fields for completion. 
  3. Review the Faculty Presentation Guidelines here
  4. Provide a brief narrative bio.
  5. Provide a headshot.

You may upload the requested file(s) by clicking here or by emailing [email protected]

Although not required for use, the OHE PowerPoint presentation template is available here. Your presentation due date/any next steps will be provided via a separate E-mail.

Example: MD, MPH
Such as an administrative assistant, or alternate person, you would like included in ongoing communication about your participation at this conference.
Example: Chief, Division of Transplantation, Hospital Name, Minneapolis, MN