Event date
  • Behavioral health
  • Health equity
  • Older adults
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will provide an overview of the role of resilience and PIL, examine characteristics associated with resilience and PIL and describe intervention strategies to promote resilience and successful aging in older adults.
  • Disease management
  • Transplantation
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.00 ADA - CERP (Dentists/Allied Dental Staff)
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CDR - Dietitians
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Patients who have received an organ transplant can provide valuable insights into the entire transplant journey, bringing new awareness to the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of the transplant journey.
  • Pediatrics
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity is designed to introduce the basic concepts of providing services to specialized children and youth populations. It will discuss the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, including the role of child welfare workers and juvenile justice workers within those interdisciplinary teams. A basic overview of consent laws and required documentation for children in state custody will also be covered, along with state compliance regulations for professionals working with children involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice system.
  • Disease management
  • Wellness
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will address the latest breakthroughs in obesity management, with a focus on glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists and their role in combating obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes.
  • Disease management
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.00 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.00 ADA - CERP (Dentists/Allied Dental Staff)
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 CDR - Dietitians
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will review the current state of HTx for pediatric CHD, addressing issues such as mortality risk factors, waitlist mortality, mechanical-support options, and immunosuppression and antibody-mediated rejection. It will also discuss key issues for this population, including psychosocial challenges, rehabilitation goals and future expectations regarding functional outcomes.
  • Behavioral health
  • Disease management
  • Health equity
  • Wellness
  • 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 0.75 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 0.75 AMA - Physicians
  • 0.75 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.75 APA - Psychologists
  • 0.75 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.75 CDR - Dietitians
  • 0.75 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will outline racial and socioeconomic status disparities and provide examples of why they may exist among different populations, identify challenges associated with the diagnosis and management of obesity, including diagnostic accuracy, access to care, and impact on health care costs and quality of life and discuss potential interventions that can reduce obesity care inequities.
  • Behavioral health
  • 0.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.50 APA - Psychologists
  • 0.50 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 0.50 ASWB - Social Workers
This on-demand e-module will provide behavioral care providers with an overview of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
  • Behavioral health
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
This on-demand e-module will provide behavioral care providers with an overview on the modules of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
  • Behavioral health
  • 1.00 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.00 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.00 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.00 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.00 ASWB - Social Workers
Treatment for ADHD, behavior dysregulation, and severe mental illness comes in the form of medication and psychotherapy treatment. Both can be important elements of a comprehensive treatment plan. Data analysis reveals that opportunities for improvement exist for medical practitioners treating children with these disorders. Screening is one of the most common methods for identifying individuals who might benefit from integrated behavioral health services. This web-based activity will provide information on diagnostic criterion for ADHD, best practices, and the appropriate treatment for children with behavioral dysregulation and for youth with a psychotic disorder or a bipolar diagnosis. The appropriate screening tools, medication management and psychosocial support will also be discussed. In addition, information about the importance of follow-up care for children and adolescents who have been prescribed medication, as well as the need for metabolic monitoring for those prescribed antipsychotic medications, will be provided.
  • Health equity
  • 1.50 AAFP - Family Physicians
  • 1.50 ACPE - Pharmacists
  • 1.50 ACPE - Pharmacy Technicians
  • 1.50 AMA - Physicians
  • 1.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 1.50 APA - Psychologists
  • 1.50 Attendance - General Attendance
  • 1.50 CCMC - General - Case Managers
  • 1.50 COPE - Optometrists
  • 1.50 ASWB - Social Workers
This activity will discuss appropriate use of pronouns and terminology and review current statistics regarding social and health care disparities experienced by this community.
