Welcome to Optum Health EducationHealth care team

OHE is a nationally accredited provider of continuing education (CE) for the health care team. This website houses OHE's accredited CME/CE and health education resources. Access is free of charge and available to all!

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2025 Onsite Conferences

Click here to register. Essentials of Oncology and Transplant Management

US map icon April 8–9, Scottsdale, AZ | Live, on-site conference
Designed for members of the multidisciplinary health care team, this two-day, live conference will address current topics and exciting advances in the fields of solid organ and blood/marrow transplantation and oncology.

Click here to register. 34th Annual National Conference

US map iconMay 13–15, Minneapolis, MN | Live, on-site conference
Designed for members of the multidisciplinary health care team, this three-day, live conference will address gaps in the management of complex medical and behavioral health care, innovative clinical, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion health care topics.

Save the Date! Medical Director and Clinician Leadership Forum 2025

US map iconOctober 21–23, Nashville, TN | Live, on-site conference
Designed for medical directors and other clinical executives/leaders working in the managed health care industry. During this live conference experts will share their insights into topics that are critical to the management of large patient populations. 

Optimal Care Grand Rounds

This series focuses on aspects of care important to primary care providers (PCPs) and their patients and will provide PCPs with actionable content that addresses evidence-based diagnosis and treatment approaches for many of the high-priority complex diseases frequently encountered in practice. 

Media playerShared Decision-making in Primary Care (REGISTRATION OPENING SOON!)

Wed., May 21, 1–2 p.m. ET | Live, Accredited Webcast 
Presenters: Richard C Mather, III, MD, MBA and Prakash Jayakumar, MD, PhD